Mali odmak od modnih postova...pa evo jednog zanimljivog recepta! Nadam se da ćete ga isprobati u nekoj od ovih divnih ljetnih večeri :)
Here's an interesting recipe! I hope you'll try it in one of those beautiful summer evenings :)
Za ove prefine meksičke tortille trebate / for those delicious tortillas you'll need:
1 meksička mješavina smrznutog povrća (Ledo) / 1 frozen mexican mix of vegetables
cca 500g pilećeg filea / 500g of chicken fillet
paket tortilla / tortillas
passata (500g)
1 kiselo vrhnje / 1 sour cream
1 vrhnje za kuhanje / 1 cream for cooking
1 konzerva graha i kukuruza u meksičkom umaku (Bonduelle) / 1 can of corn and bean in a mexican sauce
2-3 žute paprike (zelene/crvene) / 2-3 yellow paprikas (green/red)
Stavite tanki sloj ulja u lonac, ubaciti piletinu narezanu na kockice (dodati Vegetu/sol/papar). Nakon što piletina dobije ravnomjernu bijelu boju, dodati meksičku mješavinu smrznutog povrća i papriku također nasjeckanu na komadiće. Miješati 10-15 min, dok smrznuto povrće ne omekša i bude gotovo. Dodati passatu (po vlastitom ukusu) te konzervu graha i kukuruza u meksičkom umaku. Po želji dodati nešto da se umak zaljuti (chilli, papar, pepperoncino...).
Put a thin layer of oil in the pot, put chicken cut into cubes (add Vegeta / salt / pepper). After the chicken gets evenly white, add a Mexican blend of frozen vegetables and paprikas also chopped to pieces. Mix for 10-15 minutes, until frozen vegetables are soft and done. Add passata (per your taste) and a can of beans and corn in the Mexican sauce. If you want, add something to spice up the sauce (chilli, pepper, Pepperoncino ...).
Nakon što je smjesa gotova, tortille jednu po jednu grijati na tavi par sekundi i zatim ih puniti i motati.
After the mixture is done, heat the tortillas one by one on the pan, and then fill them up and roll them.
Napunjene tortille stavite na pleh i prelijte ih smjesom vrhnja za kuhanje i kiselog vrhnja. Peći na 190-200°C, 10-15 min, dok ne dobiju lijepu boju.
Put the filled tortillas in a frying pan and in the end, put on them the mixture of sour cream and cream for cooking. Bake them on 190-200°C, for 10-15 min, until they get nice color.
Here's the final result:
Bon appétit!